Jiangmen button factory teaches you how to distinguish and judge the material of button

2020-10-19 466

Jiangmen button factory gives you a bunch of buttons with different colors and styles. How to distinguish and judge what button materials are made of? Jiangmen button factory is here to share and solve this problem for you.

Button materials can be roughly divided into plastic (resin, plastic), metal button (copper, iron, alloy), natural (shell, wood, coconut shell, bamboo). Various materials to make buttons, the process is not the same. Some buttons look the same, even professionals can not tell clearly with their eyes, so damage can be distinguished by scraping the coat.

The button distinguishes between plastic button and resin button,


Plastic button and resin button, plastic (including various plastics) buttons are generally made by die casting, so there will be a line on the edge of the button. Some factories may remove this line in subsequent processing, but its weight will be lighter than resin (of course, some special plastics will be heavy). The resin button is mechanically carved and then polished, so there is no full mold line on the surface, which is very smooth. However, it is fragile, and its appearance is simple and scratched. It will soften in boiling water.

How to distinguish copper button from iron button? Copper and iron material button, this with a magnet to try to know, and with a hard object to scrape off the surface of the electroplating layer, copper button surface inside the brass color (gold). The clasp is black, which is the color of the original data.

How to determine whether it is aluminum alloy button? The alloy buckle is heavy and is made of die casting. All mold lines are generally polished and polished. It may not be seen, but it is heavy and solid.

Source: Jiangmen button factory;http://www.ruihongbutton.com
